miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

NPC 2 Global Warming

 Certainly Global Warming is a problem in our times, but we still on time to do something!!!

Global Warming is something that we have now as a problem, but, we are still on time to do something and everything begins from our own house, below some examples of what we can do to help the Earth to survive Global Warming.

First, use not plastic bags for market this helps to produce less garbage in our houses and if each house start doing this, it is sure that something will change. Second, start recycling, with this we will be able to help avoiding produce more and more trash or at least using that to create something new

For a conclusion, there are many other ways to help the earth environment, as use less electricity in our houses, or stop using the car for everything and plan some other ways to avoid use the car  always for example carpooling to go work. At you can see it is too easy do something, so STOP GLOBAL WARMING! 

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